Weird Pad Thai Imitation

Note 1: Inspired by <>


200gm pad thai dried flat noodles (or 400gm kuey teow halus)

6 prawns

5 squids (3 squids)

+2 tbsp isi kerang

1 tbsp garlic minced (4 ulas)

2 tbsp onion minced (1 biji bawang medium)

2 tbsp thai palm sugar or "nise padi" (or 2 tbsp jaggery)

+3 tbsp sugar

4 tbsp fish sauce (7 tbsp fish sauce)

1 tbsp oyster sauce (original don't have)

1 tbsp soy sauce (original don't have)

3 tbsp tamarind paste + 1 1/2 or 2 cups of water

A bunch of chives, sliced matchsticks

1/2 firm / soft tofu, diced to small cubes

A bunch of bean sprouts, if you like

+1 egg, if too watery. Usually I don't put.


Coarsely ground peanut

Thai chili flakes

Calamansi or "limau kasturi"

Noodle Prep:

1. Soak pad thai noodle in warm water to soften. Drain water once tender. If using kuey teow halus, simply soak in tap water (room temp) & rinse a few times to remove the excess noodle oil & lime water (which tends to make certain noodles taste bitter).

Seafood Prep:

2. Separate prawn and squid head from their bodies. Clean carefully and set aside heads and bodies separately.

Paste Prep:

3. Dilute tamarind paste in water. Then, combine palm sugar, oyster sauce, fish sauce, soy sauce, and tamarind paste together. It will look watery but it is fine. Set aside.


1. Heat cooking oil in a wok under medium - high heat.

2. Stir fry prawn and squid heads until aroma blooms and colour deepens. This is mainly to make prawn oil first.

3. Add in onion. Stir fry until aroma blooms and onion sweats enough to be translucent. Add in tofu and garlic. Sautee until properly coated with frying oil & aroma blooms.

4. Add in pad thai paste. Stir until somewhat boiling but not dry.

5. Add in noodles. Stir fry until fully coated with sauce. Taste your pad thai. Adjust seasoning of too bland.

6. Add in remaining prawn and squid bodies, chives, and beansprouts. Mix well until seafood is cooked properly. (Some people like their chives served raw as garnish. Up to your preference. I like it cooked.)

7. Taste your pad thai again before seasoning. Best served hot.

8. Serve with chili flakes, ground peanuts, and juices from halved calamansi.
