Lazy Nasi Ayam Cikgu Mazenah & Cikgu Amilia
Note 1: This is a combination of recipe between Cikgu Mazenah and Cikgu Amilia. Cikgu Mazenah, which is my mom, learnt it from Pakcu. You know, Pakcu Rasmiza, he was a Head Chef at Sri Malaysia Hotel in Genting. So proud of him! Of course, his original recipe calls for a healthy dash of Ajinomoto or MSG... Hehe but my and mommy's version of course do not contain that.
Part A - Soup
Enough water to cover all ingredients
7-8 pieces of chicken
1 star anise
1/2 stick cinnamon
1 tbsp garlic paste, pounded
1 tbsp ginger paste, pounded
1/2 yellow onion, sliced lengthwise
1 medium potato, diced stew size
1 stick small carrot, diced stew size
1 medium tomato, diced stew size
1 pc asam gelugur
2-3 stick spring onions, chopped long strips
1 bunch of daun sup, chopped long strips
1 tsp black pepper, pounded
1-2 tsp coarse salt
Part B - Rice
3 pot rice, washed and drained
1/2 tbsp margarine
1/2 tbsp cooking oil
1/4 quarter large red onion, sliced lengthwise
1 clove garlic, sliced thin
4-5 slices of ginger, sliced thin
Part C - Chicken Marinade
1/4 quarter large red onion (or as much as you want)
1/4 quarter large yellow onion
2 cloves garlic
1 tbsp oyster sauce
Dash of kicap manis Habhal
Dash of chicken soup (enough for the blender to work)
Part D - Kuah Kicap
Leftover Part C - Chicken Marinade
1 tbsp oyster sauce (or as much as you want)
Dash of chicken soup
Dash of kicap manis Habhal
2-3 tbsp of gula melaka (half of small one)
Part E - Kuah Lada
5-6 bird's eye chili
3 large red chili
2-3 tbsp of gula melaka (half of small one)
1 clove garlic
1 small pc belacan
1 tbsp coarse salt
1 tbsp chili sauce (if needed)
Dash of chicken soup + tomato in the soup
Other accompaniments
Tomato slices
Cucumber slices
Part A
1. Always start with soup first. Ensure enough water to be used throughout the recipe. 28cm deep pot should do the trick.
2. Add in all the ingredients in the pot. Cover and simmer for 1-2 hours, or until the chicken parts are cooked through, quite soft and chicken extract has seeped into the soup (soup looks yellowish and oily).
3. Save some soup for other parts of chicken rice. Serve the remaining.
Part B
1. Heat margarine with cooking oil so that margarine don't burn.
2. Sautee onions, garlic and ginger until wilted.
3. Stir in rice and until well coated and shiny.
4. Add in chicken soup and asam gelugur until enough to cook the rice.
5. Simmer rice until cooked or you can choose to cook it in the rice cooker.
6. Cool rice down a little before serving.
Part C
1. Take chicken pieces out of the soup and mix with marinade until well coated.
2. Deep fry chicken pieces over high heat until crispy on the outside. Do not worry about cooking it through since it has already been cooked to the center. Too long then your chicken pieces may turn very dry.
3. Drain oil well before serving.
Part D
1. Take leftover chicken marinade and combine with the rest of kuah kicap ingredient in a small pot.
2. Heat up the kuah under moderate heat until well combined and gula melaka has melted. Serve.
Part E
1. Blend all ingredients finely. Add in more chicken soup if too thick. Serve.
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