Weird Takoyaki
Note 1: Inspired from <>
Yield: 12 balls on standard takoyaki pan
1/2 cup all purpose flour
1 cup water (plus a few more)
1/2 packet dashi (1/2 x 8 gm pp)
1/2 inch ginger paste
1 stalk spring onion, chopped finely
1 shiitake mushroom, chopped finely
1 slice of cheese, chopped finely
1/4 cup sliced boiled tako or octopus
Takoyaki / okonomiyaki sauce
Kewpie mild mayonnaise
1. Mix all ingredients to form quite a thin, runny batter.
2. Heat takoyaki pan on medium to low heat, depending on the strength of your stove.
3. Drizzle the pan with oil.
4. Pour enough batter in the holes to form 1/2 ball. You may use chopstick to scrape all adjacent spilled batter into the takoyaki holes.
5. When slightly hardened at the sides, tilt one side and pour more batter to form 3/4 ball. Adjust heat as you go.
6. Again, as you see slightly hardened at the side, pour remaining batter. Scrape the thickening batter to fully shape your balls. Adjust heat and add more oil where needed.
7. Tilt and turn takoyaki balls so that it was browned and crispy on all sides.
8. Serve warm with takoyaki / okonomiyaki sauce, mayonnaise, aonori, and katsuoboshi.
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