
Weird Roti John

Note 1 : Inspired by < > Ingredients 200gm minced meat 3 ulas bawang putih, tumbuk halus 1 inci halia, tumbuk halus 1 biji bawang merah besar, potong dadu 1-2 tsp serbuk kari 1-2 tsp worcestershire sauce 1/2 tsp coarse salt A dash of black pepper A dash of white pepper 1-2 cups of water Mashed potato (1 1/2 potato) 1/2 tomato, diced 1/4 onion, diced Daun sup, cincang halus 4 telur 8 keping roti gardenia (2 batch of long roti john) Daun salad Mayo Sos cili 1. 

Lazy Nasi Ayam Penyet

Note 1 : Inspired by < >,  < > and < >. Part A. Ayam Rebus 5 ketul ayam (250gm) *1/2 bawang merah besar *4 ulas bawang putih *2 batang serai (bahagian putih) *1 inci halia *1/2 tsp garam kasar 1/2 tsp serbuk kunyit 1 helai daun salam (bay leaf) 1 keping asam keping 1/2 cawan air 1. Blend halus bahan-bahan bertanda (*). 2. Gabungkan dalam periuk semua bahan. Adjust air sehingga menutupi sedikit sahaja ayam. 3. Reneh sehingga ayam agak masak (dalam 10 - 15 minit). Keluarkan ayam. Perap & Goreng *1/2 tsp jintan manis *1/2 tsp jintan putih *2 tsp ketumbar *4 ulas bawang putih *1 inci halia *1/2 tsp garam kasar 1/2 tsp chicken stock powder 1-2 tbsp corn starch Sedikit air stock rebusan ayam 1. Tumbuk halus semua bahan bertanda (*). ...

Lazy Vietnamese Spring Roll

Note 1 : Inspired by < > A. Prawn spring roll 16 prawns (2 prawns per roll, 8 rolls) Salad, sliced Carrots, julienned Suhun (rehydrate with water, drained and cut with scissors) Italian basil (leaves only) Mint (leaves only) Coriander (leaves only) Rice paper Water (for dipping) 1. Prawn can be blanched and halved. Keep cool aside until rolling time. 2. If making ahead of time, spray finished spring rolls with a light coating of oil for them to keep fresh  little longer. B. Peanut dipping sauce 1 tbsp peanut butter 2 tbsp hoisin sauce 1 tbsp sugar 2 cloves garlic, minced 1/4 cup of water Lime juice (I skipped) 1. Mix everything and microwave for 1 minute. 2. Mix again until well blended. 3. Thin with more water if needed. Serve cool.

Weird Dry Pan Mee

Note 1 : After multiple try and error, this is the one I developed to suit my tastebud. A. Soy sauce 2 tbsp oyster sauce 2 tbsp dark soy sauce 1 tbsp mirin 1/2 tbsp white sugar 1/2 tbsp sesame oil 1/2 tbsp vinegar 1/4 cup water A little corn starch slurry 1. Boil everything except corn starch slurry. Adjust to taste. 2. Add in corn starch slurry and thicken to taste. 3. Transfer to bowl once done. B. Ground chicken bulgogi 2 chicken breasts* (separate the bones) 1/2 inch ginger* 2 cloves garlic* 1/4 holland onion* 1/2 apple* 1 shiitake mushroom, sliced 1/2 cup water 2 tbsp soy sauce 1/2 tbsp sugar 1/2 tsp salt 1 tbsp vinegar Capsicum, cubed 1. In the previous pot used to make soy sauce, boil chicken bones and mushroom with water, soy sauce, sugar, salt, and vinegar until well flavoured. 2. Grind all (*) until it forms into fine paste. Add the paste into the broth and keep stirring. 3. Add in capsicum and cook the meat until tender. C. Noodles & Garnishes Pan mee / knife cut noodles...

Weird Coney Dog

Note 1 : Inspired by < >