Weird Nando's Imitation (Not) Spicy Yellow Rice
Note: I winged the recipe. Came quite close to one. Even smelled the same.

Part A
1 part chicken keel or chicken breast
2 tsp of turmeric powder
2 tsp of turmeric powder
1 tsp salt
A pinch of dried basil leaves
A pinch of dried mixed herbs
Part B
1 pot white rice (around 1/2 cup)
1 pot short grain rice (around 1/2 cup)
2 cloves garlic
1 small red onion rose
1 thin slice ginger
2 tbsp yellow onion
2 tbsp yellow capsicum
1/2 tbsp butter
2 tbsp cooking oil
1 star anise
2 dried chili
2 bay leaves
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 tsp salt
1 cube chicken stock, broken into pieces
2 pot water (or around 1 to 1 1/2 cup water)
Part A
1. Slice chicken parts into thin, rectangular pieces.
2. Marinade chicken with all ingredients in Part A. Set aside.
Part B
1. Wash all rice before cooking. Drain and set aside.
2. Pound small red onion, garlic, and ginger into a smooth paste. Set aside.
3. Finely dice yellow onion and yellow capsicum. Set aside.
4. Heat butter and oil in a rice cooker pot. Add in star anise to sautee until smell blooms.
5. Add in marinated chicken in Part A. Break dried chili into smaller parts and throw into the pot. Add in onion paste into the pot too. Stir fry for a while until chicken are lightly browned.
6. Add in diced onion and capsicum. Stir fry for a second. Then immediately add in rice, bay leaves, salt, lemon juice and broken chicken cube. Stir well until all rice is properly coated with oil.
7. Remove from heat and add in water to cook the rice. Stir to combine and place the rice cooker pot into the rice cooker. Best served hot.

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