Lazy Pudding

A. Chocolate Pudding

Note 1 :
Inspired by <>

Note 2 : Mixture may look grainy. It is a pastry cream. It was meant to be whipped using a hand mixer for a fine texture. I skipped this part because I'm lazy. You can fold in with whipped cream (upgraded to be a diplomat cream) and add in whipped cream cheese (to be my signature cheesekut cream).

500ml milk

*36gm cocoa powder
*60gm sugar
*30gm corn starch
*3 eggs
*1/4 tsp (or a pinch) fine salt
*1 cap vanilla essence

170gm milk chocolate coin
15gm (1 tbsp) butter

Topping :
200ml whipping cream

Steps :
1. Heat milk until simmering but not boiling. There may be layer of foam on top of the milk. Always stir so that the milk does not boil over.
2. Combine all ingredients with (*). Whisk (or use a hand blender) until well combined.
3. Temper in heated milk 1 tbsp at a time (or im a fine stream) so as not to burn your egg. Whisk continuously while adding milk. Continue until all the milk has been poured in.
4. Transfer all the pudding mixture into the pot and boil again until the pudding mixture has thickened. Continue stirring with a whisk or spatula all the while.
5. Once thickened, turn off the heat. Add in chocolate coins and butter. Let the residual heat melt all of the ingredients. If still grainy, can heat a little more just to melt everything.
6. Pour into a cup or jar. Let cool completely before topping it off with whipped cream.

B. Banana Caramel Pudding

500ml milk
370 gm banana*
50gm sugar* (30gm next)
30gm corn starch* (50gm next)
1/2 cap vanilla essence*
A pinch of salt* (2 pinches next)
3 eggs*

Topping :
Caramel sauce
Whipping cream (if can fit in the container)
