Lazy Banana Leaf Rice Set & Lauk
Yield : Cukup untuk 4 orang makan single portion / 2 orang makan dinner & sahur Strategy : These are 4 dishes to a rice that needs to be served at the same time. Therefore, suggest to : 1. Mise en place. 2. Make the raita. 3. Prep the snakegourds. 4. Prep the chicken 65. 5. Make curry. 6. Make rasam. 7. Deep fry the snakegourds. 8. Deep fry the chicken 65. #1 : Most dishes use the same ingredients. Prep them all and set aside. #2 : Quick, easy, and needs time to really get cool in the fridge & well blended. #3 : Needs most time to extract out water. #4 : Needs time to marinate. #5 : Can be reheated near service time. #6 : Can be served at room temperature. #7-8 : Prepare to deep fry at least 1 hour before service. Cucumber Yoghurt Raita < > Needs prep time 2 baby cucumber, diced small 1/2 ripe tomato, removed core and seeds & diced small Few slices of large red onion, sliced thinly 2-3 ...