
Showing posts from March, 2024

Lazy Banana Leaf Rice Set & Lauk

Yield : Cukup untuk 4 orang makan single portion / 2 orang makan dinner & sahur Strategy :  These are 4 dishes to a rice that needs to be served at the same time. Therefore, suggest to : 1.  Mise en place. 2. Make the raita. 3. Prep the snakegourds. 4. Prep the chicken 65. 5.  Make curry. 6. Make rasam. 7. Deep fry the snakegourds. 8. Deep fry the chicken 65. #1 : Most dishes use the same ingredients. Prep them all and set aside. #2 : Quick, easy, and needs time to really get cool in the fridge & well blended. #3 : Needs most time to extract out water. #4 : Needs time to marinate. #5 : Can be reheated near service time. #6 : Can be served at room temperature. #7-8 : Prepare to deep fry at least 1 hour before service. Cucumber Yoghurt Raita < > Needs prep time 2 baby cucumber, diced small 1/2 ripe tomato, removed core and seeds & diced small Few slices of large red onion, sliced thinly 2-3 ...

Weird Copycat Red Velvet Cookies

Note 1 : Original batch dough felt very stiff & hard to mix, despite lowering sugar amount (dry ingredients). Perhaps the cookies will be dense & crunchy, not airy. Therefore, to change some measurement of flour & eggs. Note 2 : End result Yield : 225 cookies @ 934gm (normalised). Ingredients 1 cup (240gm) butter >> 1/2 cup (115gm) butter, 1/2 cup (95gm) shortening 1 1/2 cup (300gm) castor sugar >> 1/2 cup (100gm) fine sugar, 1/2 cup (110gm) brown sugar further split into 60gm brown sugar, 50gm muscovado sugar. We reduced overall sugar to 200gm only as original feels a bit too sweet for this recipe. 3 tsp vanilla essence  >> 2 tsp (9gm) essence +1/4 tsp fine salt 2 egg yolks >> 2 whole eggs 2 tsp white vinegar >> 2 tsp lemon juice 4 tsp red food colouring  >> 4 1/2 tsp red food colouring 2 1/2 cup (300gm) wheat flour (low protein) >> 2 cups (240gm) all purpose wheat flour (low protein) 2 tbsp (20gm) corn starch  >...

Weird Crab Stick Rangoon

Note 1 : This is my take of the crab stick rangoon after watching so many videos... Joshua Weissman, Jason Farmer, Khairul Aming, Buat Orang Lapo etc... Noticed similar ingredients. Hence, improvised. Note 2 : Was eyeballing the mayonnaise hence unsure of the weight. Leftover from 1kg packet, after pouring tanktop into a ~900gm bottle. Since this is the first time, will weigh second time. Also, some people put in sugar. Opted not to since we are dipping this rangoon in thai sweet chilli sauce. Verdict : A tad too salty, and too watery when fried. Cream cheese and mayo technically evaporated. I am thinking of replacing mayo and milk with tofu instead. Worth to try. Ingredients : 225gm cream cheese (Philadelphia), softened at room temp 50gm - 100gm mayonnaise 1 tbsp worcestershire sauce 1 tbsp full cream milk 1 tsp fine salt 1 tsp chicken stock powder (Knorr's) A dash of ground black pepper A dash of ground white pepper 1/4 holland onion, minced 1 slice of ginger, fine paste / minced...

Lazy Sour Plum Lime Preserve (Drinks)

Note 1 : Was previously inspired by an Insta reel. But can no longer detect which reel 😅 Ingredients 30 biji limau kasturi 30 biji asam boi 1 cawan air 2 batang chinese brown sugar bar (anggaran 80gm untuk satu batang) 4 tbsp muscovado sugar 3 tbsp white sugar 1/2 tsp garam kasar 1 balang mason jar (500 gm+/-) Optional : Honey Steps : 1. Potong kepala limau kasturi, tapi jangan sampai terputus. Potong just enough untuk perah jus limau dan masukkan asam boi. 2. Perah jus limau melalui tapis supaya biji limau tak masuk. Set aside jus limau untuk dimasukkan dalam bancuhan gula nanti. 3. Masukkan asam boi dalam buah limau yang sudah diperah tadi. Set aside. 4. Gabungkan air, chinese brown sugar bar, muscovado sugar, white sugar, dan perahan jus limau dalam satu periuk. Reneh sehingga sedikit pekat. 5. Apabila sudah sedikit pekat, masukkan limau dan asam boi tadi. Reneh lagi sehingga air gula memekat. Apabila sudah agak likat, tutup api dan set aside. 6. Sebelum pakai balang kaca, sila ste...

Lazy Bubur Lambuk Lipis Mari

Note 1 : Suka dengan bubur lambuk lipis tapi tak reti nak buat. Kali ni kita cuba, gabungan bubur lambuk kg baru + terengganu + pahang yang lain. Tak letak ikan je, tak suka. Bahan A 1 biji bunga lawang 1 batang kulit kayu manis 3 biji bunga cengkih Secubit halba Bahan B 1/2 biji bawang merah besar (kisar halus) 300 gm daging cincang (cincang kecil) 3 ulas bawang putih (tumbuk halus) 1/2 inci halia (tumbuk halus) 1/2 tsp lada hitam (tumbuk halus) 1/2 tsp garam kasar (tumbuk halus) 1 tsp jintan manis (tumbuk halus) Bahan C 1 1/2 - 2 cawan beras putih 2 helai daun pandan 1 helai daun kunyit Segenggam daun kesum 5-6 cawan air (tambah lagi jika perlu) 2-3 batang daun sup Bahan D Minyak sapi 1/2 biji bawang merah besar (hiris mayang) Bahan E Ulam-ulaman (paku merah, pucuk paku, pucuk ubi) Garam (secukupnya) 1 senduk extract santan Kara (atau secukupnya) Hiasan taburan (daun sup, daun bawang, bawang goreng) Steps : 1. Tumis Bahan A  sehingga kembang & naik bau. 2. Masukkan bawang kis...

Lazy Kuih Tako @ Tepung Pelita Pandan

Note A : Kelongsong daun pandan rectangle dapat fill 30 of them, with leftover in a food container. This is a large batch production. Note B : resepi ini tidak perlukan steam / kukus. Kalau perlu kukus, letakkan di dalam container / daun pisang. Part A 1 cup tepung beras / tepung jagung 1 cup gula 5 cup air pandan (10-12 helai daun pandan blended & tapis) 1/8 or 6 tbsp buah sengkuang (diced halus) Kalau nak lapisan pandan yang crystal clear, kena pakai tepung jagung. 1. Satukan semua bahan kecuali sengkuang. 2. Masak atas api perlahan. Sentiasa kacau sehingga pekat, likat, dan berkilat. 3. Masukkan buah sengkuang setelah masak.  4. Set aside from heat. 5. Sudukan ke dalam kelongsong daun pandan sehingga 1/2 atau 2/3 penuh. 6. Ratakan dan hentak2 container / dulang untuk keluarkan angin. Part B 1 cup tepung beras 5 cawan santan (pekat + cair + air) 1 tsp garam 1. Satukan semua bahan. Masak atas api perlahan. Kacau sehingga masak. 2. Letakkan atas lapisan hijau pandan dalam kelon...