
Showing posts from June, 2021

Lazy Foccacia Bread

Note 1 : Inspired from <> Ingredients: 1 1/3 cup warm milk 2 tsp or 7 gm of yeast 2 tsp sugar 3 1/2 cup or 480 gm of bread flour 2 tsp of salt 1/4 cup or 60 gm of olive oil Topping (Optional):   Olive oil Rosemary leaves Salt flakes Steps: 1. Proof yeast in warm milk and sugar until blooming. Might take 5-10 minutes. 2. In a bread maker, combine flour, salt and olive oil. Mix until well combined. 3. Add in proofed yeast mixture in a steady stream. 4. Let the machine knead the dough for 30-40 minutes until well combined and a soft dough ball is formed. 5. First proofing: Transfer the dough ball into a well-oiled bowl. Cover and let rest for 1 hour. 6. Second proofing: Roll dough onto a baking tray (which is dusted with flour and lined with baking paper) as thin as 1/2 inch or as possible within the tray. Let rest for another 30 minutes - 1 hour.  7. Pre-heat oven for 30 minutes @ 400F / 200C.  8. Final shapin...

Weird Bread (Rustic or Charcoal) with Garlic Confit

Note 1: Why garlic confit? Because I like garlic bread. And do not want to waste oven power just to make garlic confit alone. Might as well bake garlic confit together with bread. And then I will get garlic bread each and everytime! Ingredients: Roti Sardin: 380 gm dry ingredients + 100gm water roux: Roti Sardin - Basic Soft Bun 380gm tepung high protein (tpg roti)  3 sudu besar susu tepung  (50gm) 80gm gula castor  (50gm -  a little not sweet) 3 sudu kecil yis segera  (9gm - however to reduce to 7gm since the taste of yeast is a little strong) 1 bj telur A ~ dikocok sket dgn garfu  (to not include next time, makes the dough yellow) 100ml air  (100-150ml, depending on how wet you want the dough to be ) 100gm water roux*  (180gm from 30gm flour + 150gm water...

Weird Tembosa @ Karipap Inti Ikan

Kulit: 2 cups of flour 1 tsp salt 1 senduk margarine 2 tbsp cooking oil 1/2 cup hot water Inti ikan: 1 bowl isi ikan (from 4-5 ekor ikan kembung) 2 bowl kelapa parut segar (3/4 taken from 1 biji kelapa) 1 bowl santan segar (diperah from 1/4 taken from 1 biji kelapa) 1-2 biji bawang merah kecil atau sederhana 4-5 ulas garlic cloves 1 inch halia 1/2 tsp salt 1/2 tsp black peppercorns 6 tsp sugar Steps: Kulit: 1. In a bread maker, mix flour, salt, margarine and cooking oil together until well mixed. 2. Slowly drizzle in hot water until form a dough. 3. Knead for 15 minutes. Rest for 1 hour. 4. Optional - knead for another 20 minutes. Rest another 1 hour or at least until use. Refrigerate if want to store until use for the next day. Filling: 1. Pound onion, garlic, ginger, black peppercorns, and salt until form a paste. Set aside. 2. Combine fresh kelapa parut, isi ikan, onion paste, sugar and santan in one pot. Mix under medium to low heat until quite dry but not desert dry. 3. Let cool b...

Lazy Tiramisu Recipe

Note 1 : Adapted from this recipe <> Note 2 : I made espresso from dark roast coffee grind. Diluted with water on both cups of espresso. Note 3 : Espresso, eggs, and mascarpone should be left to room temperature for better handling. Whipping cream should be cold.  Yield: About 1.5-2L tiramisu or 7" square pan  Ingredients: 3 egg yolks, room temp 1/4 cup (50gm) castor sugar 250gm mascarpone or cream cheese, room temp 400gm heavy whipping cream (2 packs x 200gm) 1/2 cap vanilla essence 2 1/2 cups of freshly brewed espresso (no sugar), left to cool or cold 38 - 40 stick of Italian Savoiardi lady fingers Cocoa powder for dusting Optional: 1 stick vanilla bean Best do early morning or night because room is cool. Tiramisu is best done in cool room. Steps: 1. Beat egg yolks and sugar (with vanilla beans, if any) until quite combined. 2. On top of a double boiler, beat egg yolks and sugar on a simmering water unt...

Weird Popia Raub Imitation

Note 1: Kulit je yang masih belum berjaya buat. Note 2: Nostalgia beli popia dekat Raub di pasar pagi Ahad. Memang sedap. Memang lain. Takde orang lain dalam dunia ni yang jual melainkan di Raub sahaja. Note 3: Sebab filling quite wet and we are making a giant ass popia, it is safer to double wrap our popia. Ingredients: Kulit popia square besar - untuk wrapping 1 biji telur - untuk wrapping Chili Sauce: 2 tbsp cili blend 1 biji bawang merah blend 1 ulas bawang putih blend 3 inci asam jawa dijadikan pes 1/2 tbsp garam 2 tbsp gula putih 4 tbsp gula merah Air untuk cukupkan 1-2 cawan sos 3 tbsp tepung jagung Filling: 1/4 cawan kacang tanah 1 biji carrot 1 biji timun 1 cawan taugeh 1/2 box tauhu pressed firm 1/4 cawan suhun lembut 1 tbsp light soy sauce 2 tsp garam - untuk keluarkan air Yield: 10 fat ass popia rolls Steps: Chili Sauce 1. Campurkan semua bahan kecuali tepung jagung di dalam periuk. Didihkan menggunakan api sederhana - perlahan kerana takut spillover. 2. Rasakan manis sos. ...

Lazy Donut / Doughnut

Note 2 : Second try is taken from youtube < >. This dough is super soft 🤤. Dreamy. Ingredients 75gm warm water 1 tbsp condensed milk 1 tbsp sugar 1/4 tbsp of instant dry yeast (1 tbsp = 3 tsp, 1/4 tbsp = 3/4 tsp = 1/4 + 1/4 + 1/4 or 1/2 + 1/4 tsp) 140gm all purpose flour (used : bread flour) 1/2 tsp baking powder 1/4 tsp salt 15gm margarine Yield : 7-8 doughnuts 1. Combine warm water, condensed milk, and sugar until well dissolved. Pour in yeast and stir to fully combine. Let yeast bloom for 10 minutes before use. 2. Combine flour, baking powder and salt. Mix well. 3. Add in yeast mixture and mix to combine until dough is scraggly. If using a breadmaker, might only take a few seconds. 4. Add in margarine when dough is still scraggly. Knead dough until fully combined into a ball, soft and not sticking to the hand. If using a breadmaker, set the dough to knead for 30 minutes. 5. Rest the dough in a bowl at room temperature. Might ta...

Lazy Birria Quesa Tacos

Note 1 : Birria soup or consomme was adapted from this recipe <>. Homemade flour tortilla was adapted from this recipe <> Note 2 : I cheated. I used technology because I have too much work. Hehe I used bread maker and pressure cooker. Ingredients Part A - Beef Birria 500gm beef (mix of lean and fatty) 1/2 holland onion, diced 1/2 garlic bulb, halved 1/2 carrot, roughly chopped stew size 1 cinnamon stick 2 pc bay leaf 7-8 pc dried chili pepper 1 tsp coarse salt 1 tsp cayenne pepper 1 tsp cumin 1 tsp ground oregano Water Part B - Flour Tortilla Yield: 6 small tortilla 1 cup all purpose flour 2 tbsp cooking oil 1/2 tsp salt 1/2 cup water + extra if needed Part C - Assembly and Garnish Mozzarella Birria red oil or carotino oil (since my birria did not produce enough oil) Diced red onion Lime wedges Birria consomme Steps 1. Cook all of Part A in a pressure cooker for around 50 - ...

Lazy Souffle Pancake (Japanese or Korean)

Note 1: The recipe came about after making chocolate lava cake. It calls for an additional egg yolks which is so annoying because where would I use the remaining egg whites? Then, this recipe came about. Ingredients: 2 egg whites 2 tbsp sugar 2 tbsp flour Steps: 1. Beat egg whites until stiff peaks form. 2. Gradually add in sugar and beat until well incorporated. 3. Add in flour and beat until well incorporated. 4. You can use spoon or ice cream scoop and stack the pancake in two. Slowly cook it under the lowest fire on your stove with a transparent glass lid on. It may take a brief minute before it is done on one side and ready for flipping. Keep an eye on it.

Weird Chocolate Lava Cake

Note 1 : Adapted from recipe <>. Still a little too sweet for me. And a little too rich? Husband commented that it is a little too decadent. To adjust later. Below is the original recipe. Note 2 : The recipe calls for 170gm chocolate chips. I used 100gm milk chocolate coin and 70 gm dark chocolate coin.  Note 3: This recipe uses additional egg yolks. Annoying huh? But save the egg whites. We can make souffle pancakes. Yield: 6 ramekins Ingredients: 6 ounce (170gm) chocolate chips 1/2 cup (125gm) margarine or butter 2 eggs 2 egg yolks 1/4 cup sugar (I found this is a little too sweet, perhaps to omit or use 1/8 cup next) 2 tbsp flour Steps: 1. Melt chocolate chips and margarine. Set aside. 2. Beat eggs and the additional egg yolks until frothy and light. It may take a while. 3. Gradually add in sugar and melted chocolate into the batter. Fold or beat it gradually to keep the batter light and frothy. 4. Add in flour and beat until...

Weird Texas Barbecue Smoked Beef Brisket

Note 1 : First time doing it, so many improvement could be done. Note 2 : Meat - supposedly whole brisket (perhaps around 6-7 kg), untrimmed (with fat cap or white fatty layer on), and uncut (whole). But since we bought it online because of COVID and national lockdown, I forgot to discuss this beforehand with the butcher and decided to take the risk. Hahaha and well, I got a trimmed and cut portion of 1 kg - 1 kg with no fatty layer on and unknown parts of brisket... Note for the future! I really have to discuss this with the butcher. Note 3 : Charcoal - used a mix of coal stone, wooden charcoal, and coconut husk. i) Coal stone - retain heat very well and burn for a long period of time but it was the slowest to turn to ember. ii) Wooden charcoal - for nicer smoke smell and take fire easier than coal stone so it aids in developing 'ember' or 'bara' for coal stone. iii) Coconut husk - game changer! This is for smell mainly. It is so fragrant and I guess this is why people...

!!Butter Cake Know How!!

My experience so farrrrrr Note 1 : Cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy. It might look like a cake frosting. But this is good. Note 2 : Eggs have to be really fluffy. To guarantee fluffiness, beat egg separately until airy and fluffy, and only after then you can add in to the butter mixture in batches. Usually divided into 3 batches, or more. This can save a lot of time in terms of creaming the batter.  Note 3 : Alternate your beating. If you are adding anything into the butter mixture, add in batches and alternate your beating to keep the batter light, airy, fluffy, and does not collapse on itself. It means you have to beat the mixture first to keep it light before adding another batch e.g. beat batter > add in xx ingredient batch 1 > beat batter > add in xx ingredient batch 2 > beat batter > add in xx ingredient final batch > beat again. Note 4 : Before adding your flour in, do not be afraid of overmixing! In fact, you can beat the batter as much as you...

Lazy Matcha Red Bean Cake

Note 1 : Somewhat combining my usual butter cake golden ratio with <> Note 2 : My original golden ratio for butter cake does not work for matcha cake. Because matcha is originally very earthy with bitter undertones, it absorbed a lot of sugar to counter its excess bitterness. Either you reduce the matcha powder or increase the sugar. Looking at the general aesthetics, perhaps we should increase the sugar.  Note 3: Prior to adding flour, you can beat or mix the batter as much as you can. It will not be overmixed and you do not need to worry about that. Over-mixing is only a worry so long as you are working with flour (fear of gluten formation) or heavy / whipping cream (fear of accidentally churning butter). Updated 20/4/2022: Changed the ratio & frosting  Yield: Enough to fit a standard square  / round pan = 6", or loaf pan; 8.5" x 4.5" x 1.5" Ingredients: Matcha Pound / Sponge Cake: 1/2 cup (or 125 ...