
Showing posts from 2024

Lazy Apple Pie

  Note 1 : Inspired by < > Ingredients Puff pastry (1 packet) 8 red fuji apples (can sub with 1 or 2 green apples, not too much as it can be too sour) 120gm salted butter 45gm all purpose flour 150gm brown sugar 1 1/2 tsp cinnamon powder 70gm water 1 egg 1 tbsp water Filling 1. Make roux with butter and flour. 2. Add in sugar and cinnamon powder. Stir in with the roux until all melted. 3. Add in water. Stir until bubbling. 4. Add in chopped apples. Stir until slightly softened. 5. Let cool completely before use as filling. Assembly 1. Assemble the pie, with bottom and top crust, in a 9"-10" pie pan. 2. Brush egg wash on top of the pie crust. Baking 1. Bake in preheated oven 220°C for 15 minutes, uncovered with fan. Then, bake for another 180°C for 45 minutes, or until inside filling is visibly boiling. 2. Let cool around 1 hour before serving.

Lazy Pudding

A. Chocolate Pudding Note 1 : Inspired by < > Note 2 : Mixture may look grainy. It is a pastry cream. It was meant to be whipped using a hand mixer for a fine texture. I skipped this part because I'm lazy. You can fold in with whipped cream (upgraded to be a diplomat cream) and add in whipped cream cheese (to be my signature cheesekut cream). Ingredients 500ml milk *36gm cocoa powder *60gm sugar *30gm corn starch *3 eggs *1/4 tsp (or a pinch) fine salt *1 cap vanilla essence 170gm milk chocolate coin 15gm (1 tbsp) butter Topping : 200ml whipping cream Steps : 1. Heat milk until simmering but not boiling. There may be layer of foam on top of the milk. Always stir so that the milk does not boil over. 2. Combine all ingredients with (*). Whisk (or use a hand blender) until well combined. 3. Temper in heated milk 1 tbsp at a time (or im a fine stream) so as not to burn your egg. Whisk continuously whi...

Weird BBQ Ribs Tony Romas Copycat

Ingredients A. Meat 1.5kg beef ribs, long cut following the bones Dijon whole grain mustard (thin coat) B. Spiced BBQ Marinade *Don't make it too sweet* 100gm duchef tomato puree 1-2 tbsp blackstrap molasses 2 senduk grape vinegar 1 tbsp white vinegar Worcestershire sauce Barley malt syrup Muscovado sugar Coarse salt 1 tbsp butter Bay leaf (1 leaf) Garlic (1 clove, smashed) Dried parsley Black pepper Smoked paprika Dried oregano Ground cinnamon Ground nutmeg Ground allspice (don't have last time) Liquid smoke (don't have last time) Corn starch (2 tbsp) Water Steps 1. Marinade the meat for 24 hours. Coat the meat with dijon mustard layer first. Then, coat with BBQ sauce. Store in closed container in the chiller. 2. Right before cooking, wrap the meat individually with baking paper, then only aluminium foil. 3. Bake in the oven in 160°C for 3 hours. 4. Serve hot after resting 5 minutes.

Weird Mee Rebus Haji Wahid Johor

Note 1 : Inspired by < > and < >. Note 2 : Some recipes uses tauchu and I have no faith in that. 😅😂 Ingredients 150-250gm beef 3 biji ubi kentang besar 2 biji bawang merah besar (1/2 + 1 1/2) 5 ulas bawang putih (4 + 1) 3 slices halia 3 slices lengkuas 3 helai daun limau purut 3 tbsp serbuk kari 2 batang daun sup 1 batang serai 1 tbsp chicken powder 1 tbsp tepung jagung 1 keping asam gelugur Garam kasar 1 tbsp udang kering 2 tbsp tomato puree Garnishes 400gm mee kuning, celur Taugeh celur Telur rebus Cili hijau potong Limau kasturi Bawang goreng Fishcake celur Fishball celur Tauhu goreng Steps 1. Sup daging - Daging, 1/2 bawang (hiris halus), 4 ulas bawang putih (ketuk pecah dgn pisau), halia, lengkuas, daun limau purut (dicarik), dan garam kasar. Rebus sehingga empuk. 2. Kentang - Kupas, belah dua dan rebus kentang dengan sedikit garam...

Lazy Nasi Daging Air Asam Lemak

Note 1 : This is a combination of < > and mak Izzati ❤. Part A - Sup Daging 300gm daging, hiris halus 4-5 slices of halia 3-4 slices of lengkuas 5-6 ulas bawang putih besar, smashed 1 biji bawang merah medium, sliced 1 biji bunga lawang 1 batang kulit kayu manis Garam kasar Black pepper Part B - Nasi Daging 1 tbsp ghee, 1 tbsp marjerin 1 bunga lawang 1 kulit kayu manis 2 buah pelaga 3 bunga cengkih 1 lembar daun salam 2 helai daun pandan 1 biji bawang merah, sederhana besar, hiris 2 ulas bawang putih, hiris 3 slices of halia 2 pot beras Garam kasar 1/4 cawan susu sejat Air + sup daging yang secukupnya Part C - Air Asam Lemak 1/2 tsp belacan bakar 3 tbsp kerisik 1/4 tsp garam halus, atau secukupnya 1 tsp gula halus, atau secukupnya 1/2 cawan susu sejat 2 senduk sup daging 2 cubit asam jawa, dicairkan dalam sedikit air 2 biji bawang merah sederhana, hiris halus 2 biji tomat...

Lazy Fishball Noodle Soup

Note 1 :  We can use kuey teow or meehoon. Ingredients A. Stock soup Around 2.5L - 3L water (half 24cm pot) 4-5 small shiitake mushroom 4-5 small spring onion roots 3-4 slices ginger 1 tsp goji berries 3 pcs mussels (kupang) 1/2 pax white shimeji mushroom (150gm/box) 1 morsel black fungus, rendam air panas & sliced thin 1/2 anchovies stock cube 1 tbsp chicken stock powder Coarse salt, as needed 2 pax fishball (160gm/pack) 1 pc fishcake, rendam air panas & sliced thin 1/2 bowl fucuk, cut small squares & rendam air panas B. Kicap cili 6 biji green chili bird's eye, sliced thin 6 tbsp light soy sauce 1/2 tbsp mirin 1/2 tbsp vinegar 2 tbsp water C. Garnishing Spring onion Green & red oak leaf lettuce Egg slices garnish

Weird Sizzling Yee Mee

Note 1 : Adapted from < > Ingredients 200gm chicken (2 ketul besar) 3 ulas bawang putih, hiris halus 6 slices ginger 3 batang lada kering, kerat kecil 3-4 cawan air 6 shiitake mushrooms, destemmed and scored 4 tbsp oyster sauce 3 tbsp light soy sauce 3 tbsp kicap manis habhal 1 tbsp dark soy sauce 3/4 kiub pati ayam (no MSG) 1/4 tsp coarse salt 2 tsp sugar 3 tbsp tepung jagung (added water for slurry) 1 tbsp sesame oil Hiasan Yee mee, celur separuh (can skip next time) Sawi, celur separuh Telur Steps for Sauce / Gravy 1. Sautee ginger first. Then, add mushroom stalks and garlic. Then, add chicken bone parts. Stir fry until chicken are half cooked. Ensure garlic is not burnt. 2. Add in water, sauces, chicken stock, and mushroom heads. 3. Boil on low flame until chicken and mushroom are tender. It may take 15-20 minutes. Adjust the seasoning. 4. Add in the rest of chicken flesh. Co...

Lazy Peking Duck & Nasi Itik

Note 1 : We made peking duck in the morning. And nasi itik by night 😅. Coz we get tired of eating peking duck all day 😆😆 Note 2 : Need to find hoisin sauce recipe. That one was a disaster. A. Peking Duck A-1. Mandarin Pancake < > 1 1/2 cup all purpose flour 1 tbsp cooking oil / sesame oil 1/8 tsp fine salt 3/4 cup boiling water (add / lessen as needed) 1. Prepare beforehand. Can also cook beforehand. When cooled, store tightly in the fridge. Can keep up to a week. 2. Mix flour, salt, and oil. Stir to mix well. 3. Add in boiling water while stirring. Keep an eye on the texture of the flour. Add or lessen as required. Keep stirring until it forms large balls of dough. 4. Let cool before use. May look like stiff yudane starter. Once cool, divide dough into small balls. 5. Dust work surface with enough flour. Roll dough balls into flat disc around 4"-5" wide. 6. Cook the pancake on a hot, dry pan. Rotate as th...

Weird Honey Hotteok & Yachae Hotteok

A. Honey Hotteok Note 1 : Taken from / inspired by  < > Hotteok Bun 1 egg 4gm salt 30gm sugar 160gm warm milk 4gm yeast 300gm bread flour 40gm room-temp butter 1. Combine egg, salt, and sugar in a bowl. Beat until well combined. 2. Add warm milk and yeast. Stir until well combined. 3. Add in flour. Stir with a spatula until somewhat combined. Transfer the dough into a well floured surface and start kneading the wet dough. 4. When it has formed somewhat a cohesive dough, fold in the butter. Knead until dough formed a well rounded ball. 5. Proof in a dusted & covered bowl at a warm place for 1.5 hour. 6. After 1.5 hour,  degas the dough and knead to form a long dough. Cut into 8 similar balls. 7. Roll the dough flat (circular shape) and scoop enough honey filling onto the centre of the dough. Close the seam of the dough tightly to form into a ball. Place onto a well covered area for second proofing until it doubled in si...

Lazy Brownies

Note 1 : Inspired by < >. This is a vegan recipe, no crinkle cut. I cut off a lot of sugar. Ingredients 1/2 cup granulated sugar 3/4 cup all purpose flour 2/3 cup cocoa powder 1/2 tsp salt 1/2 cup dark chocolate chips (perhaps to increase to 3/4 cup) 2 large eggs 2 tbsp water (perhaps to change it to milk) 1/2 cap vanilla essence 1/2 cup canola oil Steps 1. Preheat oven with a fan on under 160°C for 30 minutes. In the meantime, line a square 7"x7" baking pan with baking paper. Set aside. 2. Sift sugar, flour, cocoa powder and salt together. Add in chocolate chips. Set aside. 3. Mix eggs, water, and vanilla essence. Whisk until well blended. Stream in canola oil. Whisk until well blended (but not until it became a mayonnaise). 4. Using a wooden spatula, add in the flour mixture into the egg mixture in three batches. Mix until well combined. The batter will be quite thick. 5. Pour the batter into t...

Lazy (Yudane) Cinnamon Roll Cinnabon Copycat & Others

Note 1 : My first attempt at Cinnamon Roll (or as long as I can remember). Inspired by < > and a twist on the bread (shokupan) for extra softness < >. Brian Lagerstrom also inspired me a lot  < >. Note 2 : I used all purpose flour because I ran out of bread flour. 😅 Actually not bad, produces softer bread. Note 3 : I also ran out of cinnamon powder. So I just eyeballed it. Ingredients : A. Yudane 50gm bread flour (I used all purpose) 50gm boiling water (above 90°C) 1. Prepare the night before. Cover and refrigerate. B. Bread 150ml warm milk 1 tbsp sugar 4gm instant dry yeast 240 bread flour (I used all purpose) 40gm sugar 1/4 tsp salt 1 whole egg, beaten 10gm butter 1. Bloom yeast in warm milk & sugar for 5-10 minutes. Set aside. 2. In a bre...

Lazy Hummus

Note 1 : Adapted from < > and < >. Ingredients 1 1/2 cup (400gm) canned chickpeas, drained and rinsed 1/2 cup of tahini 3 cloves garlic confit 2 tbsp oil from garlic confit 2 tbsp olive oil 1/2 tsp salt, or as needed 1/2 lemon, juiced 5 tbsp water, or as needed Garnish : Drizzle of olive oil Black olive slices Dash of zaatar Dash of smoked paprika Sprinkle of chopped flat-leaf parsley / coriander Steps 1. Pulse chickpeas first to a fine grind. 2. Add the remaining ingredients except water. Pulse to a fine grind. 3. Adjust the preferred consistency with water. Adjust salt to taste as well (keep in mind that olive slices and zaatar will be quite salty as well). 4. Serve with garnishes immediately. You may store half of it in a closed container in the fridge although it will only keep for a day before getting spoilt.

Lazy (Pre-Ferment) Rustic Bread 2.0 (Boule)

Note 1 : This recipe is using a pre-ferment. Adapted from < >. More detailed instruction on < >. Day 1 : Pre-Ferment 150gm water (room temp) 150gm all purpose flour A pinch of yeast (30-40 granules) 1. Available for use anytime between 4 - 24 hours of ferment. Great after 16 hours, best at 24 hours where flavours develop. Combine all and store in loose closed container away from sunlight on the kitchen countertop. Day 2 : Bread Dough 250gm water (room temp) 2gm instant dry yeast 1 tbsp sugar 450gm flour (400gm bread flour, 50gm whole wheat flour) (I don't have any available, hence I have to use all purpose flour) 6gm salt (originally 12gm, but we are reducing salt in our diet, hence halved) 1. Bloom yeast in sugar water. Set aside for 5 minutes. 2. Combine flour and salt. Mix well. 3. Combine all dry and wet ingredients, together with the pre-ferment. 4. Knead wit...

Lazy Waffle Crispy Rangup

Note 1 : Sepatutnya crispy macam kedai, takdela rangup sangat tapi bolehla.. Adapted from here < >. Bahan-bahan 1 1/4 cawan tepung gandum 1/4 cawan tepung jagung 1 1/2 tbsp gula 1/4 tsp garam 1/2 tbsp baking powder 1/4 tsp baking soda 1 cawan susu full cream 1/4 cawan air (+ maybe 1/8 more for a more liquid batter) 1 biji telur, kacau sebati 1/2 cap vanilla essence 1/4 + 1/8 cawan minyak masak Yield : 3 biji waffle besar Cara-cara 1. Satukan semua bahan kering. Kacau sebati. Masukkan susu & air sedikit demi sedikit sambil kacau. Masukkan telur, vanilla essence dan minyak. Kacau sebati. 2. Rehatkan batter selama 15-30 minit. Sambil itu, panaskan waffle machine. 3. Lumurkan waffle machine dengan minyak atau mentega / marjerin. Isi waffle machine dengan batter penuh. Masak sehingga crispy. 4. Angkat dan hidang dengan filling kesukaan.

Weird Rainbow Cake for Birthday

Note 1 : < > for the cake Note 2 : < > for the buttercream A. Cake Too sweet, to reduce sugar Part 1 : Yolk Batter 5 egg yolks 50gm sugar (30gm sugar) 1 cap vanilla essence 65gm cooking oil 1/4 tsp salt 80gm milk 120gm cake flour 1 tsp baking powder 6 types of food colouring 1. Cream yolk, sugar, and vanilla essence until light and fluffy. 2. Stream in cooking oil while beating with hand mixer. Do not dump it all at once. 3. Add salt and stream in milk while beating with hand mixer. Do not dump it all at once. Beat until light. Batter may look runny at this point. 4. Sift cake flour and baking powder until light. Mix into the yolk batter 1/2 batch at a time. Beat until well incorporated. 5. Divide batter into 6 pans with diameter of 6-inch (i.e. 56-60gm into each pan). Lightly add a drop of colour (for pastel tone) into each pan and mix well...

Weird Kuih Badak Berendam

Note 1 : < > 1. Doh Kuih Badak 4-5 helai daun pandan 2 titis pewarna hijau (jika mahu) 3/4 cawan air 1 1/2 cawan tepung pulut 1 tbsp tepung gandum 1 tsp garam 1. Kisar daun pandan dan air sehingga halus. Tapis dan buang hampas daun pandan. 2. Titikkan pewarna hijau pada air daun pandan tadi. Kacau rata. 3. Satukan tepung pulut, tepung gandum, dan garam. Kacau rata. 4. Masukkan air daun pandan tadi sedikit demi sedikit ke dalam tepung. Uli sehingga menjadi doh. Kalau lembut, tambahkan sedikit tepung pulut (+1 tbsp at a time). Kalau terlebih keras, tambahkan sedikit air (+1 titik at a time). 5. Bentukkan inti kelapa menjadi bulat terlebih dahulu seperti bola supaya senang digunapakai. 6. Bentukkan doh seperti bola kecil dalam 2-3 inci diameter, dan leperkan di tapak tangan. Letakkan inti kelapa (jangan terlalu banyak) di tengah doh tepung dan terus tutup. Juggle kuih badak berendam antara dua tapak tangan agar lebih...

Lazy Nasi Lemak Set & Lauk

1. Nasi Lemak  (Hijau Pandan Version) 2. Ayam Goreng Berempah < > < > 3. Sambal Ikan Bilis 4. Sambal Sotong Rex 5. Other condiments Kacang goreng Ikan bilis goreng Timun Telur (Rebus / Mata Kerbau)

Weird Japanese Cotton Cheesecake

Note 1 : Inspired by < > Ingredients (all room temp) 1/4 cup (60gm) of butter 1/2 cup of fine sugar, divided into 1/4 + 1/4 cup 8oz (225 - 250gm) of cream cheese (Bega Tatura) 1/2 cup (125gm) of milk (full cream Dutch Lady) 5 whole eggs (separated into egg yolks & whites) 1 tbsp lemon juice 1/4 cup (30gm) of all purpose flour 2 tbsp of corn flour 1/4 tsp cream of tartar 1. In a bowl, cream butter and 1/4 cup of sugar until light and fluffy. 2. Add in cream cheese. Cream until light and smooth. 3. Stream in milk slowly into the cream cheese mixture. Beat until light and fully incorporated. 4. Add in egg yolks one at a time. Beat until light. 5. Add in lemon juice. Beat until well incorporated. 6. Sift in flour. Beat until well incorporated. Beware of any flour lumps. For a finer result, strain the batter using a sieve. 7. In another separate bowl, beat egg whites until foamy. 8. Add cream of tartar to egg ...

Lazy Carrot Cake

Cake : < > Icing : < > Some people add sour cream to this.

Lazy Nasi Beriani Gam Johor (Biryani/Briyani)

Note 1 : I'm trying to make my own. Mise En Place 0.1 Basic rempah 2 tsp ketumbar 1 tsp jintan manis 1 tsp jintan putih 1. Sangai dan tumbuk halus. 2. Asingkan 1 tsp untuk nasi. Selebihnya (dalam 2-3 tsp) untuk kuah kurma. 2 biji buah keras 1. Sangai dan tumbuk halus. Gabungkan bersama mix rempah kuah kurma. 0.2 Garlic ginger paste 2 inci halia tua (~2 tbsp) 4-5 ulas bawang putih besar (~2 tbsp) 1. Tumbuk halus. 2. 1 tbsp untuk nasi, 1 tbsp untuk kurma, dan selebihnya (dalam 2 tbsp) untuk lauk gam beriani. 0.3 Bawang goreng & minyak bawang 2 biji bawang merah besar, hiris halus 1/2 garam halus 1. Goreng sehingga rangup keperangan. Angkat dan toskan minyak. Simpan bawang untuk ditaburkan atas nasi beriani nanti. 2. Simpan minyak untuk diguna pakai dalam memasak nanti. 0.4 Fruits & nuts 2 tbsp dried barberries 2 tbsp golden raisins 1 tbsp cashew 2 tbsp ghee 1. Rendam dalam 20-30 minit. Toskan air bila sudah agak lembut. 2. Stir fry dalam ghee for a few minutes. Not too long, ...

Lazy Kek Prune

Note 1 : It is better to use pure butter for this recipe, or at least Farm Cows, as the fruits can be quite tangy. Ingredients 125gm butter (pure salted butter) 125gm sugar + 30gm sugar (granulated / fine) 1/4 cup milk (Dutch Lady full cream) 1 cap vanilla essence 3 eggs (around 150gm) 1 tbsp lemon juice 1/2 tbsp baking powder 1 1/2 cup cake flour 100gm prune (half chopped finely, half flattened for cake top decoration) Steps 1. Cream butter, vanilla essence, and 125gm sugar until fluffy. Gradually add milk into the butter mixture until fluffy and light. Set aside. 2. With a clean beater, beat egg and 30gm sugar until fluffy, light, foamy and able to form ribbons. Like for genoise sponge cake. 3. Gradually add egg mixture into butter mixture. Beat until well combined. 4. Add in lemon juice. Beat until well combined. 5. Sift in cake flour and baking powder into the cake batter in 2-3 batches. Beat until just combined & stop when all the flour has been fully incorporated. 6. Add in c...

Weird Copycat Ayam Gunting Uncle Bob Shihlin

Note 1 : Inspired from an Insta post < >. Will try out & improve the recipe bit by bit. Note 2 : Shihlin fried chicken recipe < >. Ingredients 1 pc ayam peha / breast / chicken chop cut Part A : Marinate 1/2 tbsp sos tiram (Uncle Bob) 1 tsp salt 1/2 tsp sugar 1 tsp five spice powder Water Part B : Coating 2 eggs Black pepper (Uncle Bob) White pepper (Uncle Bob) 1 cup tepung ubi kayu (tapioca flour) 1 cup tepung ubi kentang (potato starch) Part C : Seasoning 1 tbsp garlic powder 1 tsp salt 1 tsp serbuk paprika 1 tsp serbuk chili

Lazy Banana Leaf Rice Set & Lauk

Yield : Cukup untuk 4 orang makan single portion / 2 orang makan dinner & sahur Strategy :  These are 4 dishes to a rice that needs to be served at the same time. Therefore, suggest to : 1.  Mise en place. 2. Make the raita. 3. Prep the snakegourds. 4. Prep the chicken 65. 5.  Make curry. 6. Make rasam. 7. Deep fry the snakegourds. 8. Deep fry the chicken 65. #1 : Most dishes use the same ingredients. Prep them all and set aside. #2 : Quick, easy, and needs time to really get cool in the fridge & well blended. #3 : Needs most time to extract out water. #4 : Needs time to marinate. #5 : Can be reheated near service time. #6 : Can be served at room temperature. #7-8 : Prepare to deep fry at least 1 hour before service. Cucumber Yoghurt Raita < > Needs prep time 2 baby cucumber, diced small 1/2 ripe tomato, removed core and seeds & diced small Few slices of large red onion, sliced thinly 2-3 ...

Weird Copycat Red Velvet Cookies

Note 1 : Original batch dough felt very stiff & hard to mix, despite lowering sugar amount (dry ingredients). Perhaps the cookies will be dense & crunchy, not airy. Therefore, to change some measurement of flour & eggs. Note 2 : End result Yield : 225 cookies @ 934gm (normalised). Ingredients 1 cup (240gm) butter >> 1/2 cup (115gm) butter, 1/2 cup (95gm) shortening 1 1/2 cup (300gm) castor sugar >> 1/2 cup (100gm) fine sugar, 1/2 cup (110gm) brown sugar further split into 60gm brown sugar, 50gm muscovado sugar. We reduced overall sugar to 200gm only as original feels a bit too sweet for this recipe. 3 tsp vanilla essence  >> 2 tsp (9gm) essence +1/4 tsp fine salt 2 egg yolks >> 2 whole eggs 2 tsp white vinegar >> 2 tsp lemon juice 4 tsp red food colouring  >> 4 1/2 tsp red food colouring 2 1/2 cup (300gm) wheat flour (low protein) >> 2 cups (240gm) all purpose wheat flour (low protein) 2 tbsp (20gm) corn starch  >...

Weird Crab Stick Rangoon

Note 1 : This is my take of the crab stick rangoon after watching so many videos... Joshua Weissman, Jason Farmer, Khairul Aming, Buat Orang Lapo etc... Noticed similar ingredients. Hence, improvised. Note 2 : Was eyeballing the mayonnaise hence unsure of the weight. Leftover from 1kg packet, after pouring tanktop into a ~900gm bottle. Since this is the first time, will weigh second time. Also, some people put in sugar. Opted not to since we are dipping this rangoon in thai sweet chilli sauce. Verdict : A tad too salty, and too watery when fried. Cream cheese and mayo technically evaporated. I am thinking of replacing mayo and milk with tofu instead. Worth to try. Ingredients : 225gm cream cheese (Philadelphia), softened at room temp 50gm - 100gm mayonnaise 1 tbsp worcestershire sauce 1 tbsp full cream milk 1 tsp fine salt 1 tsp chicken stock powder (Knorr's) A dash of ground black pepper A dash of ground white pepper 1/4 holland onion, minced 1 slice of ginger, fine paste / minced...

Lazy Sour Plum Lime Preserve (Drinks)

Note 1 : Was previously inspired by an Insta reel. But can no longer detect which reel 😅 Ingredients 30 biji limau kasturi 30 biji asam boi 1 cawan air 2 batang chinese brown sugar bar (anggaran 80gm untuk satu batang) 4 tbsp muscovado sugar 3 tbsp white sugar 1/2 tsp garam kasar 1 balang mason jar (500 gm+/-) Optional : Honey Steps : 1. Potong kepala limau kasturi, tapi jangan sampai terputus. Potong just enough untuk perah jus limau dan masukkan asam boi. 2. Perah jus limau melalui tapis supaya biji limau tak masuk. Set aside jus limau untuk dimasukkan dalam bancuhan gula nanti. 3. Masukkan asam boi dalam buah limau yang sudah diperah tadi. Set aside. 4. Gabungkan air, chinese brown sugar bar, muscovado sugar, white sugar, dan perahan jus limau dalam satu periuk. Reneh sehingga sedikit pekat. 5. Apabila sudah sedikit pekat, masukkan limau dan asam boi tadi. Reneh lagi sehingga air gula memekat. Apabila sudah agak likat, tutup api dan set aside. 6. Sebelum pakai balang kaca, sila ste...

Lazy Bubur Lambuk Lipis Mari

Note 1 : Suka dengan bubur lambuk lipis tapi tak reti nak buat. Kali ni kita cuba, gabungan bubur lambuk kg baru + terengganu + pahang yang lain. Tak letak ikan je, tak suka. Bahan A 1 biji bunga lawang 1 batang kulit kayu manis 3 biji bunga cengkih Secubit halba Bahan B 1/2 biji bawang merah besar (kisar halus) 300 gm daging cincang (cincang kecil) 3 ulas bawang putih (tumbuk halus) 1/2 inci halia (tumbuk halus) 1/2 tsp lada hitam (tumbuk halus) 1/2 tsp garam kasar (tumbuk halus) 1 tsp jintan manis (tumbuk halus) Bahan C 1 1/2 - 2 cawan beras putih 2 helai daun pandan 1 helai daun kunyit Segenggam daun kesum 5-6 cawan air (tambah lagi jika perlu) 2-3 batang daun sup Bahan D Minyak sapi 1/2 biji bawang merah besar (hiris mayang) Bahan E Ulam-ulaman (paku merah, pucuk paku, pucuk ubi) Garam (secukupnya) 1 senduk extract santan Kara (atau secukupnya) Hiasan taburan (daun sup, daun bawang, bawang goreng) Steps : 1. Tumis Bahan A  sehingga kembang & naik bau. 2. Masukkan bawang kis...

Lazy Kuih Tako @ Tepung Pelita Pandan

Note A : Kelongsong daun pandan rectangle dapat fill 30 of them, with leftover in a food container. This is a large batch production. Note B : resepi ini tidak perlukan steam / kukus. Kalau perlu kukus, letakkan di dalam container / daun pisang. Part A 1 cup tepung beras / tepung jagung 1 cup gula 5 cup air pandan (10-12 helai daun pandan blended & tapis) 1/8 or 6 tbsp buah sengkuang (diced halus) Kalau nak lapisan pandan yang crystal clear, kena pakai tepung jagung. 1. Satukan semua bahan kecuali sengkuang. 2. Masak atas api perlahan. Sentiasa kacau sehingga pekat, likat, dan berkilat. 3. Masukkan buah sengkuang setelah masak.  4. Set aside from heat. 5. Sudukan ke dalam kelongsong daun pandan sehingga 1/2 atau 2/3 penuh. 6. Ratakan dan hentak2 container / dulang untuk keluarkan angin. Part B 1 cup tepung beras 5 cawan santan (pekat + cair + air) 1 tsp garam 1. Satukan semua bahan. Masak atas api perlahan. Kacau sehingga masak. 2. Letakkan atas lapisan hijau pandan dalam kelon...

Lazy Nasi Tomato & Lauk

Nasi Tomato 1 1/2 cawan nasi (beras wangi / basmati, direndam dahulu 30 minit) 1 tbsp ghee 1 tbsp planta 2 tbsp minyak masak Rempah (kulit kayu manis, bunga lawang, buah pelaga, bunga cengkih) 1/2 biji bawang merah besar, hiris halus 1 biji bawang putih, hiris halus 1 hiris halia, smashed 2 helai daun pandan, simpul 1-2 biji tomato, dadu 100gm tomato puree Duchef 2 tbsp sunquick 4 tbsp kacang pis, direndam 3 tbsp kismis, direndam 10 minit 2 tbsp kacang gajus, direndam 10 minit Daun ketumbar, racik kasar (akar kalau ada) 1 cawan susu (sejat / segar)   terlalu berlemak, muak. Boleh kurangkan sukatan jugak. Sebab hari tu nasi terlalu lembik, mungkin sebab ada banyak tambahan cecair lain. 1/2   1  cawan air 1/2 kiub pati ayam 1/2 sudu kecil garam kasar Garnish : Daun bawang, daun sup, bawang goreng 1. Tumis rempah sekawan dalam periuk nasi sehingga naik bau. Kemudian, masukkan bawang merah, halia, dan daun pandan. Tumis sehingga wangi. 2. Masukkan bawang putih dan tomato sega...

Lazy Nasi Ayam Hainan (Rebus Rebus Je)

A. Sup Ayam 500 gm / 6 ketul ayam 2 inci halia, hiris 2-3 batang daun bawang + akar, potong besar 5-6 biji bawang putih, smashed 4 hiris tebal lobak putih Air Garam Untuk hidang / stim ayam : (Maybe to consider adding dark soy sauce so the chicken can be a little darker) 1 tbsp Light soy sauce 1 tbsp Oyster sauce 1 tbsp sesame oil 1 tsp sugar 1 senduk sup ayam Daun bawang, hiris panjang & halus (garnish) Untuk hidang sup : Daun bawang, hiris halus Bawang goreng 1. Cuci ayam. Potong sedikit bahagian kulit (simpan kulit untuk masak nasi later). Asingkan bahagian isi (dada dsb) dan tulang (drumstick, wings, thigh dsb). 2. Gabungkan semua bahan dalam periuk kecuali isi ayam. 3. Masak sup selama 40-45 minit. Pada minit ke 30, boleh masukkan bahagian isi ayam dan teruskan memasak selama habis.  4. Tutup api dan keluarkan semua bahagian ayam rebus. Lumurkan ayam dengan light soy sauce, oyster sauce, sesame oil, gula, dan sesenduk sup ayam. Simpan untuk distimkan (reheat) kalau perlu. ...

Lazy Korean Crab (Ganjang Gejang and Yangnyeom Gejang)

Ganjang Gejang (Soy sauce marinated crab) 500gm flower crab, trimmed, cleaned and opened 6 cups water 1/4 cup mirin 2 cups light soy sauce (check if need to reduce) 3/4 large onion, sliced thin 1/2 large apple, sliced thin with skin 6-7 large cloves of garlic, lightly smashed 1/2 inch ginger, lightly smashed 1 thin strip of dried chili pepper 2 pcs of kombu / dried hard seaweed Optional 6 pcs of whole red dates / jujube, scored 1/2 of mandarin orange peels 2-3 spring onion roots (did not put) 2 strips of ginseng root (did not put) 1 tbsp whole black peppercorns (did not put) 2-3 tbsp of chili seeds (did not put) 7-8 pcs of dried anchovies (did not put) 2 tbsp of soju / soda water (did not put) 2 tbsp of plum extract (did not put) Green chillies (did not put) Garnishes Chili pepper, green or red Spring onion Yellow onion Sesame seeds 1. Try to find live crabs if you can. If not, frozen crab would work. Clean and set aside in the freezer. 2. Combine all broth ingredients in a pot. Boil a...

Lazy Puding Karamel

Note 1 : Adapted from Che Nom & NYT recipe Karamel 1/3 cup castor sugar 2 tbsp water Puding 3 large eggs 2 egg yolks 1 tbsp corn starch 1/2 cap vanilla essence (star brand) 2 cup milk (500 ml = 200ml cooking cream + 300ml milk) 1/3 cup sugar A pinch of salt Steps 1. Prepare caramel in 7" x 7" metal pan. Set aside to cool. Use low flame for caramel to avoid burning. 2. Mix large eggs, egg yolks, corn starch, and vanilla essence well. Set aside. 3. Simmer milk, cream, sugar and salt mixture. Enough until bubbles started to form, but not boiling. 4. Take off heated milk from heat once done. Pour little bit of hot milk into egg mixture and mix well. Pour little by little of milk into egg mixture so that it could slowly temper. If hot milk was poured all at once, egg will curdle. 5. Pour all of pudding mixture into caramel pan. You can use sieve if needed. Cover pan with aluminium foil. 6. Bake in (a) oven in water bath at 160°C for 40-50 mins, or (b) steam on stovetop for 40 ...